
Showing posts from March, 2018

The Origin of the Croston Surname in County Cork, Ireland

There are 2 theories about the origin of the Croston surname in County Cork, Ireland. The first is that they were Huguenots who settled in Ireland in the late 1600’s and the second is that the family came from Croston, Lancashire, England. Both of these theories are based on the sound of the name- it does not sound Irish and that most of the Croston early lines in County Cork were Protestant/ Church of Ireland. The Huguenots were French protestants who fled their homeland in fear of religious persecution in the mid to late 1600’s. Many Huguenots who settled in western County Cork adopted the principles of the Church of Ireland and 2 examples of these families had the surnames Dukelow (originally Duclos) and Camier. The Huguenot families lived on the same land and went to the same church as the English settlers. They were part of the same community and the groups intermarried for generations. Here the use of DNA testing has been extremely informative. The Y-DNA of 4 men: my f

The Origin of Croston Surname in Lancashire, England

I begin the Croston story with the earliest place where the surname appears in records, with the family that took it's name from the village of Croston, Lancashire, England. It ' s not known if all Crostons in the world today have their ancestral origins in Croston, Lancashire. More research is needed to prove this, but it seems like the right place to begin. With genealogical research, you tend to start with your closest family and move backwards. This story would be more simple to tell if I was only explaining one family branch, but I want to go a step further and write about the surname as a whole. The story is more complicated than you might think- not all of the families with the name Croston are related through the paternal line, some may not be related at all; the research is still incomplete. The village of Croston, Lancashire, England dates back to the 7th century when St. Aiden, an Irish monk and missionary came to the area to spread the gospel. Before a church