
Showing posts from 2019

Lancashire Archives Research 11/2018

I was never a history buff in grade school. It was a subject that I found to be very dry and boring. Unless there was a story involved it never held my attention. If I had a choice of writing a report or making a diorama, I always chose diorama. I became more interested when I started taking Art History classes and wanted to learn more about the people and civilizations who made the artwork and the time period in which they were created. I need something visual to retain the information, and to put it in context. Since working on my family tree and expanding to research the entire Croston surname, I have been more interested in learning about the places where my ancestors lived, and what their lives were like. I know it is not the most factual source for information, but watching movies or a relevant TV series have helped peak my interest in some of these time periods. Because so much of the Croston family story centers around the events of the Reformation, I watched the series &q