Proof that the Irish Croston Families were from Lancashire, England
This week test results from J.Croston, a man with ancestral origins in Lancashire, England matched my father (tester R.Croston) with ancestral origins in Schull, Cork, Ireland. This is very exciting for those of us with Irish roots! The test is called the Big-Y DNA test. It is the highest level test that a male can take. It traces a mans father's father's father into ancient times and it is very detailed. Several Croston men have taken the 12, 25 or 37 marker test over the past few years. This has allowed us to confirm who is related through closer Croston lines. J. Croston had previously matched another man with Lancashire origins (tester A. Croston). These 2 men are more closely related to each other than to the Irish families. 2 other Croston families have been identified over the past year or so. Although the 3 families are not related through the same paternal Croston family, it is possible they may be related through a son that was born to a single woman who pass...